
来源 :改革与战略 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxhua2006
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随着国家海洋开发战略的确立,为海岛休闲旅游开发提供了政策保障,同时,海洋产业的开发也是国家制定和实施海洋战略的具体体现(1)。由此可见,国家全面建设的发展给海岛旅游提供了良好的发展机遇,海岛旅游将成为大众的新宠,成为大众小康社会生活方式重要部分,是休闲时代的必然产物,海岛旅游开发成为我国社会经济形态发展的趋势。文章以基于特色资源研究海岛旅游的开发模式,为我国海岛旅游可持续发展提供研究参考。 With the establishment of the national marine development strategy, it has provided policy support for the development of leisure tourism in the island. At the same time, the development of the marine industry is also a concrete manifestation of the state’s formulation and implementation of the marine strategy (1). Thus, the development of comprehensive national construction has provided a good opportunity for island tourism development. Island tourism will become the new favorite of the general public, becoming an important part of the general public’s well-to-do society and an inevitable product of the leisure time. Island tourism development has become the social economy of our country The trend of morphological development. This paper studies the development mode of island tourism based on characteristic resources and provides reference for the sustainable development of island tourism in our country.
摘 要:“一个完全健康的人不仅是身体没有疾病,而且还要在生理、心理和社会适应方面都处于一个良好的状态。”这一概念表明身心健康和良好的社会适应能力是一个具有较高综合素质的重要表现。而当前体育教育正缺乏这方面的培养,此时把拓展训练应用于体育课中,对保障学生身心健康和提高学生的社会适应能力具有得天独厚的优势。  关键词:拓展训练;高职生;有效性  当前,不少高职生在自信心、战胜困难的勇气、抗挫折的能力、