企业圆桌专栏之一 本期热点话题:“非典”时期电子政务走出概念时代

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2003年是极不平凡的一年,也是IT行业走出冬季,迎来春暖花开的一年。深圳市作为国内IT业的一座前沿重镇,驻扎了大批IT行业的精英,集中了国内一批最具实力的信息技术产业。但是,作为一座IT产业重镇,深圳市IT行业间的沟通交流、全社会对IT行业及其热点的了解和关注仍远远不够。为了增加IT企业间的沟通与交流,增进全社会对我市IT行业的了解,为促进我市信息技术产业的发展尽一份微薄之力,在市信息化办公室的支持下,《信息技术时代》杂志社从本期起开辟IT“企业圆桌”栏目。每期在行业中选出有代表性的几家企业,由企业老总对当前的新闻热点发表自己的观点和意见,对企业的发展经验进行交流和切磋。 2003 is an extraordinary year, but also the IT industry out of winter, usher in a blossoming year. As a forefront of the domestic IT industry, Shenzhen is stationed in a large number of elites in the IT industry and has centralized some of the most powerful information technology industries in China. However, as an important IT industry center, Shenzhen IT industry, communication and exchange between the whole society to understand IT industry and its hot spots and attention is still not enough. In order to increase the communication and exchange among IT enterprises and enhance the whole society’s understanding of IT industry in our city and to make a modest contribution to the development of our city’s information technology industry, with the support of the Municipal Information Office, “Magazine from the current issue of IT ” business roundtable "section. Each period in the industry selected a representative of several companies, business executives on the current news hotspots to express their views and opinions on the development of enterprise experience and exchange of views.
时间过得真快,转眼又到了岁末。《汽车与安全》伴随着她忠实的读者走过了第八个春秋。八年来,我们为安全助威,为安全呐喊,心愿就是要将一份平安送给每一位读者。 The time
果果:网络阅读时代来了!充满个性的电子杂志那是相当吸引眼球!《唯看大学生》电子杂志(诞生短短一年多的时间里,已经突破了300万读者,读者遍布全国各大高校。这份神奇的电子杂志所有编辑、技术团队,都是在校大学生。他们用什么招数让杂志拥有这么高的人气呢?其实,学了他们的秘技,你也可以如法炮制!    制作团队:以厦门软件学院的同学为主,逐渐加入很
The ceremony of the first publication of the Chinese edition of Anthology of Mihai Eminescu, jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the China-Romania Friendship Assoc