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  The time is 264 BC; the place, Rome; and we are at the funeral of Brutus Pera, a 1)distinguished 2)aristocrat.
  It was the 3)norm to have slaves at that time, and the family of the 4)deceased have arranged for the slaves to fight to the death in his honor. This is believed to be the first time this sort of 5)spectacle had taken place.
  Many spectators attended, and the birth of the 6)gladiatorial games was born.
  Bit by bit, the fights became more important then the funeral itself. It wasn’t long before a fight was arranged just for the contest itself. As are the boxing matches of today, the Roman games were organized by wealthy 7)entrepreneurs as a means to 8)boost their 9)influence and purse.
  It is still possible to see advertisements painted on the walls of houses and tombs in Pompeii注1 10)depicting 11)forthcoming fights.
  Some gladiators started to build themselves a 12)reputation as great fighters and become well known. And as it is today, the bigger the names the more spectators attended.
  Gladiators were owned by their agents, and were booked out to 13)sponsors of the fights. It was important to the agent that their gladiator was strong and healthy, so they were given a 14)vegan diet, as it was considered to be the best way to health and fitness.
  The big difference between the fights of today and the gladiatorial fights of Rome was that they would often fight to the death. Slaves from all over the Roman Empire were sent to be trained as gladiators.
  Not all fights ended in death. If a trainer had a good fighter, he would be often “booked” to fight in a game by a sponsor, and it was up to the sponsor if that fighter was to be put to the sword.
  Not all gladiators were slaves; some were, amazingly, volunteers. The “gladiator” had begun to build up such a reputation as a 15)cult 16)figure that it was almost an honor to be one. Some of the better gladiators were looked upon as pop stars and had many fans who would follow them to all their fights. This could be one of the reasons for volunteering: they also received a large sum of money when they first signed up.
  Upon winning a contest, gladiators were awarded a 17)wreath. Some 18)paraded their wreaths, like a prize boxer of today holds up the belt they had won.
  Life and Death of a Gladiator
  The Roman Coliseum注2 held over 50,000 spectators. Here, gladiators fought 19)ferocious battles.
  Gladiators were slaves who would participate in about 20 fights per day, each lasting ten minutes. The fights were brutal and often to the death. The crowds would cheer to see blood and urged the fighters to kill their 20)opponents.
  21)Military historian Marcus Junkelmann is an expert about gladiatorial combat.
  Junkelmann: The normal impression that gladiator combat in the 22)arena was a…a mess, was a…a 23)chaotic 24)melee of dozens of fighters and all…all against all and without rules, is completely wrong.
  25)Contrary to popular depictions, a 26)referee would always be close at hand, and only two gladiators would fight at a time. The Romans also had specific 27)formulas for 28)pairing types of gladiators.
   Gladiators didn’t always fight to the death. Sometimes the fighters would survive horrific wounds and have to publicly accept their 29)defeat. Many combats ended in a 30)draw, both gladiators walking, wounded, from the arena. But, if one man could no longer keep up with the fight…
  Junkelmann: …then he dropped his shield and raised his left hand with fingers 31)stretched out. In that moment, his 32)adversary was no longer allowed to attack him.
  The life or death of the gladiator was put in the hands of the spectators. If the crowd felt the loser had fought well and hard, they would urge his 33)pardon.
  Junkelmann: People made a fist with the thumb pressed on and cried “Visum.” Then he was beaten but alive and could leave.
  But if the crowd judged a gladiator to be a 34)coward, or he was too badly injured to recover, this would be his end.
  Junkelmann: He had to accept this as a death sentence, like an 35)execution. He had to kneel down and, without showing any emotion, awaited the death blow by his adversary, who 36)stabbed him, normally, into the throat.
   You could see how men, like the gladiators, 37)confronted death with bravery and survived when they were good fighters, and even when they had to be killed, they 38)demonstrated 39)contempt of death.
“Life has its moments of truth.”生命中总有必须直面的时刻。亲人的离开固然让人痛彻心扉,但为了活着的人,即使自己再悲痛,生活再艰难,也要继续下去。稚嫩的孩子也许还无法体会父亲的艰辛,但所有的悲痛、付出、牺牲只需要一句简单的“I love you”就足矣。爱可以含蓄,但有时爱更需要说出来。    学习小提示:这篇文章难度很高,前面部分用了大量篇幅描写潜水捕鱼,语言非常生
听力小提示:这篇有声材料非常难得地同时出现了英音与美音。大家不妨多听几遍,从中体会两种发音的差异。    Raz: The Bible wasn’t the only legacy King James left behind注, at least in Britain. There was also the 1)aristocratic legacy: a world of landowners
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