泰荆(Acacia cicinata F.Muell)属含羞草科常绿乔木。产于泰国、马来西亚等热带地区,我所于1981年引种,现生长良好,已大量开花结实。泰荆冠形端正,姿态优美。叶状柄宽大,银灰色,花金黄色,金银相映,分外悦目,是庭院、广场、建筑物周围较好的观赏树种。它根系发达,具根瘤,能固氮,起保持水土作用。木材可作家具、农具,造纸和薪炭材。
Acacia cicinata F.Muell is a mimosa family of evergreen trees. Produced in Thailand, Malaysia and other tropical regions, I introduced in 1981, is now growing well, a large number of flowering strong. Thai Jing crown-shaped, beautiful posture. Large leaf-shaped handle, silver-gray, golden flowers, silver and silver counterparts, exceptionally pleasing, is the courtyard, squares, buildings around the better ornamental species. Its root system developed, with nodules, nitrogen fixation, to maintain the role of soil and water. Wood can be used as furniture, implements, paper and firewood.