1901年10月10日,阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂诞生在瑞士斯坦帕附近的一个村庄里。他的父亲乔万尼·贾科梅蒂是一位印象派画家,与著名画家霍德勒(Ferdinand Hod ler)和艾米特(Cuno Amiet)是密友,后者还是小阿尔贝托的教父。堂叔奥古斯都·贾科梅蒂(Augusto Giacometti)也是有成就的画家。弟弟迭戈·贾科梅蒂则是一位不可多得的工艺人才,也是贾科梅蒂艺术生涯中的忠实搭档和模特儿。这样一种环境,对他来说可谓家学渊源。
On October 10, 1901, Alberto Giacometti was born in a village near Stamina, Switzerland. His father, Giovanni Giacometti, an impressionist painter, was a close friend of the famous painters Ferdinand Hodle and Cuno Amiet, the godfather of Little Alberto. Uncle Augusto Giacometti is also an accomplished painter. His brother Diego Giacometti is a rare craft talent and a true partner and model in Giacometti’s artistic career. Such an environment is a source of home economics to him.