40年的风雨足以剥蚀铜墙铁壁,40年的风雨却奈何不了精神丰碑。弹指一挥间,”雷锋班”已风雨兼程走过了40个年头。40年来,“雷锋班”班长虽然换了21位,但他们始终沿着雷锋的足迹不断地求索,并用奉献和爱心谱写出一个个与雷锋相关的光彩人生。这是一场与时光并进的精神的接力。“雷锋班”每一位班长在自己离任时,都准确无误地传递了这支精神火炬;而每一新任班长都庄严地接过这团精神圣火,在自己这段赛程中赋予雷锋精神以新的意义。那么,是什么力量激励和鞭策着他们40年如一日,实践并光大着雷锋精神呢? 让我们把目光拉长,去解读“雷锋班”每一任班长的交班寄语,透过这些发自肺腑的寄语,我们可以看到精神的传承,历史的延伸……
40 years of wind and rain enough to erode the wall of iron and copper, 40 years of wind and rain, but why not spiritual monument. Fingertips, “Lei Feng class” has been through trials and hardships for 40 years. Over the past 40 years, although the squad leaders of “Lei Feng” have changed their position for 21, they have always searched along the tracks of Lei Feng and devoted themselves with their dedication and love to one after another. This is a spirit of the times with the relay. Each squad leader of “Lei Feng Class” passed the spiritual torch accurately when he left office. Each new squad leader solemnly took over the Spirit Torch and gave Lei Feng his spirit in his own schedule. New meaning So, what is the power to inspire and spur them 40 years as one day, the practice and the spirit of Lei Feng? Let us look to lengthen, to interpret the “Lei Feng” every shift instruction squad, through these heartfelt Message, we can see the spiritual heritage, the extension of history ...