怀柔县地处北京远郊,山区面积占88.7%。1987年初,经调查统计,全县22乡(镇)中,21个乡(镇)有复式教学班。254所农村小学,有复式班的161所。复式班学生2564人,占学生总数的20.3%。地处深山区的九个乡复式班比重最大,分别占各乡教学班的40-60%。 前几年,我们对乡村初小(多含复式班)重视不够,复式教师提意见说,我们是“被爱情遗忘的角落”。
Huairou County is located in the outer suburbs of Beijing, mountainous area accounted for 88.7%. At the beginning of 1987, after investigation and statistics, 21 townships (towns) in 22 townships (towns) of the county had a compound teaching class. 254 rural primary schools, there are 161 duplex classes. 2564 students in duplex classes, accounting for 20.3% of the total number of students. Located in the deep mountainous area of nine rural duplex largest proportion, accounting for 40-60% of township classes. A few years ago, we did not pay enough attention to elementary and junior high school students (including multiple classes), and the compound teachers suggested that we are “forgotten corners of love.”