1月5日晚7时许,中国“神舟”四号飞船在内蒙古中部草原成功着陆,顺利回收。 1月7日,飞船返回舱由专列运抵北京,有关专家初步检查鉴定后称,飞船着陆缓冲发动机在着陆前工作正常.返回舱结构完好,烧蚀情况正常。有关方面近日将开舱,分析研究返回舱内装载的空间科学实验仪器设备获取
At about 7 pm on January 5, the spacecraft “Shenzhou IV” in China successfully landed in the grassland of Inner Mongolia and was successfully recovered. On January 7, the spacecraft’s return capsule arrived in Beijing by a special train, and after preliminary examination and appraisal by the experts, it said that the spacecraft landing buffer engine was working well before landing and the structure of the return capsule was intact and ablation was normal. Recently, the relevant parties will open their seats and analyze the research returns to space-acquired laboratory equipment for space science and equipment