在处处入画的桂林要想创作出与众不同的作品 ,实属不易。为追求脱俗的效果 ,在拍摄时便“压缩”了水景 ,而以山的独特形象突出表现“桂林山水甲天下”。我一向看重二度创作 ,并喜欢运用暗室技法使作品升华。该作原为黑白片 ,通过自创的制彩技术 ,先取黄绿色调的黄昏境界 ,然后?
It is not easy for Guilin, where painting is everywhere, to create a distinctive piece of work. For the pursuit of refined effect, when shooting it “compressed” water features, but with a unique image of the mountain highlight “Guilin landscape world.” I always value second degree creation, and I like to use darkroom techniques to sublimate works. The original black and white film, through their own system of color technology, first take the yellow-green hue of the dusk, and then?