Prospective study of differential diagnosis of hepatic tumors by pattern-based classification of con

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liliac
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AIM: To prospectively evaluate the usefulness of a pattern-based classification of contrast-enhanced sonographic findings for differential diagnosis of hepatic tumors. METHODS: We evaluated the enhancement pattern of the contrast-enhanced sonography images in 586 patients with 586 hepatic lesions, consisting of 383 hepatocellular carcinomas, 89 metastases, and 114 hemangiomas. After injecting a galactose-palmitic acid contrast agent, lesions were scanned by contrast- enhanced harmonic gray-scale sonography in three phases: arterial, portal, and late. The enhancement patterns of the initial 303 lesions were classified retrospectively, and multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify enhancement patterns that allowed differentiation between hepatic tumors. We then used the pattern-based classification of enhancement we had retrospectively devised to prospectively diagnose 283 liver tumors. RESULTS: Seven enhancement patterns were found to be significant predictors of different hepatic tumors. The presence of homogeneous or heterogeneous enhancement both in the arterial and portal phase was the typical enhancement pattern for hepatocellular carcinoma, while the presence of peritumoral vessels in the arterial phase and ring enhancement or a perfusion defect in the portal phase was the typical enhancement pattern for metastases, and the presence of peripheral nodular enhancement both in the arterial and portal phase was the typical enhancement pattern forhemangioma. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of prospective diagnosis based on the combinations of enhancement patterns, respectively, were 93.2%, 96.2%, and 94.0% for hepatocellular carcinoma, 87.9%, 99.6%, and 98.2% for metastasis, and 95.6%, 94.1%, and 94.3% for hemangioma. CONCLUSION: The pattern-based classification of the contrast-enhanced sonographic findings is useful for differentiating among hepatic tumors. AIM: To prospectively evaluate the usefulness of a pattern-based classification of contrast-enhanced sonographic findings for differential diagnosis of hepatic tumors. METHODS: We evaluated the enhancement pattern of the contrast-enhanced sonography images in 586 patients with 586 hepatic lesions, consisting of 383 hepatocellular carcinomas, 89 metastases, and 114 hemangiomas. After injecting a galactose-palmitic acid contrast agent, lesions were scanned by contrast-enhanced harmonic gray-scale sonography in three phases: arterial, portal, and late. The enhancement patterns of the initial 303 lesions were classified retrospectively, and multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify enhancement patterns that allowed differentiation between hepatic tumors. We then used the pattern-based classification of enhancement we had retrospectively devised to prospectively diagnose 283 liver tumors. RESULTS: Seven enhancement patterns were found to be significant predictors of differ The presence of homogeneous hepatic tumors. The presence of homogeneous or heterogeneous enhancement of both in the arterial and portal phase was the typical enhancement pattern for hepatocellular carcinoma, while the presence of peritumoral vessels in the arterial phase and ring enhancement or a perfusion defect in the portal phase was the typical enhancement pattern for metastases, and the presence of peripheral nodular enhancement both in the arterial and portal phase was the typical enhancement pattern for hemangioma. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of prospective diagnosis based on the combinations of enhancement patterns, respectively, were 93.2% , 96.2%, and 94.0% for hepatocellular carcinoma, 87.9%, 99.6%, and 98.2% for metastasis, and 95.6%, 94.1%, and 94.3% for hemangioma. CONCLUSION: The pattern-based classification of the contrast- is useful for differentiating among hepatic tumors.
由于处在盐岩层夹层中的泥页岩水敏性的影响,经24小时吸附水化和渗透水化后的泥页岩膨胀压力高达36.44MPa。抑制泥页岩水敏性是控制盐岩层塑性变形的有效途径。 Due to the
那天,去国家大剧院看芝加哥交响乐团的演出的时候,天下着雪,心里充满雪一样晶莹的期待。这一次,芝加哥交响乐团带来的是莫扎特的第四十一交响曲《朱庇特》和勃拉姆斯的第二交响曲。这是一个有意思的选择,选择了交响乐的前期和中后期的代表作,足踏一条河的上游和下游,让我们观赏相同的水脉涟漪和不同的沿岸风光。一个晚上,度过了一百多年的时光。  勃拉姆斯一生只有四部交响曲,听勃拉姆斯,第二交响乐是必选。这部交响曲,
那天回娘家,和老妈没说上几句,她就笑着与我告别:“你稍坐会啊,你爸在等我一起去打乒乓球的。”脸上淡淡的喜悦,让她看起来年轻了好几岁。  说起我的父母,他俩可以算是远距离恋爱吧,老妈在宜兴,老爸在镇江,两人平日里都是书信来往,情意绵绵。当时是上世纪70年代初,他们结婚也简单,只是办了桌酒,请了几位至亲好友,没有什么几大件,也没有定情物,老爸送给老妈的礼物竟然只是双袜子。结婚后第一年,老爸依然在镇江工