田间调查表明,早稻旱育秧田发生的杂草有34 种,分属11 个科,其中以稗、异型莎草、碎米荠、蓼、千金子、水莎草( 稻田土) 或马唐、旱稗、碎米莎草、陌上菜、牛筋草、藜、春蓼( 菜园土) 为优势种,发生密度高,为害严重。在旱育秧田,杂草于水稻播种后3 ~5 d 开始出苗,9 ~13 d 左右出现高峰,19 ~27 d 陆续停止出土。播种当天或播前1 ~3 d 采用60 % 丁草胺1 500 ml/hm2 或播种当天用12 % 农思它( 口恶草酮) 1 875 ~2 250 ml/hm2 进行土壤处理,对杂草的总体防效可达90 % 以上,秧苗3叶期采用50 % 二氯喹啉酸375 ~450 g/hm 2 进行叶面喷雾处理,除稗效果也达96 .3 % ~98 .6 % 。
Field surveys showed that 34 species of weeds occurred in dry-raised rice fields in early rice, belonging to 11 families, including barnyardgrass, Shaped sedge, chestnut water chestnut, Polygonum hydropiper, Tricholoma, Paddy soil or Crabgrass, Drought resistant barnyard grass, broken moss grass, street furniture, tendon grass, quinoa, spring Polygonum (garden soil) as the dominant species, the occurrence of high density, serious damage. In the nursery field, the weeds began to emerge 3 to 5 days after sowing in rice and peaked around 9 to 13 days, and unearthed one after another from 19 to 27 days. The soil was treated with 60% butachlor 1 500 ml / hm2 on the day of sowing or 1 ~ 3 days before sowing or 12 8% ~2 250 ml / hm2 with 12% The overall control effect can reach more than 90%. The leaf-stage spray treatment with 50% quinclorac at 375-450 g / hm 2 in the third leaf stage of the seedling is carried out except for the effect of the barnyardgrass. 3% ~ 98. 6%.