近二三十年来,随着化肥生产技术水平的逐步提高、农化服务技术的不断发展和市场销售系统的日趋完善,世界上一些国家在发展多品种、多规格的复肥的基础上,除大力开发生产通用型复肥外, 还针对不同作物的特性和各地区土壤特点开发生产专用型复肥,在推广应用方面也取得了可喜的进展。生产专用复肥的关键技术问题是其营养成分的
In the past 20 to 30 years, with the gradual improvement of the technical level of fertilizer production, the continuous development of agrochemical service technology and the improvement of the marketing system, some countries in the world, on the basis of developing multi-species and multi-standard compound fertilizers, Vigorously develop and produce general-purpose compound fertilizer, but also for different characteristics of crops and soil characteristics of various regions to develop and produce special-purpose compound fertilizer, in the promotion and application has made gratifying progress. The key technical issue for producing specialized compound fertilizers is its nutritional content