约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad,1857-1924)是20世纪初英国著名小说家。康拉德生于波兰一个乡绅家庭,其父是位酷爱诗歌的爱国志士,因参加民族独立运动被沙俄政府逮捕并流放。双亲过世后康拉德离开波兰,来到西欧,在马赛做了水手,随后又加入英国商船队,通过努力升至船长,1886年加入英国籍,1889年开始用英语从事文学创作。康拉德的小说根据题材可以分为航海小说、丛林小说和社会政治小说,《黑暗之心》(Heart of Darkness,1899)是其丛林小说的代表作,探讨殖民主义背后的罪恶和道德与灵魂的腐化。
Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a famous British novelist at the beginning of the 20th century. Conrad was born in a Polish gentry family whose father was a patriotic person who loves poetry and was arrested and exiled by the tsarist government for participating in the national independence movement. After his parents died, Conrad left Poland, came to Western Europe, became a sailor in Marseilles, and later joined the British merchant fleet. Through his efforts to rise to the captain, he joined British in 1886 and began writing literature in English in 1889. According to the theme, Conrad’s novels can be divided into navigational novels, jungle novels and social and political novels. Heart of Darkness (1899) is a masterpiece of his jungle novels and explores the evil and morality and soul behind colonialism corrupt.