In the sixth to ninth installments of 1981, the United States Military Electronics and Conflict serialized the article entitled “Over-the-horizon Command and Control in Naval Battle” by Colonel R. C. Poaers, Military Assistant of the U.S. National Defense Science Commission. In this article, the author talks about the issue of OLCR command and control in naval battles. The article is divided into four parts: The first part reviews the history of the control communications in naval warfare and the new technologies and tactics used at present; the second part introduces the over-the-horizon command and control of the Soviet Navy; the third part introduces the history of the U.S. Navy’s Over-the-horizon command and control (Although the United States has developed “whaling fork” and “Tomahawk” missiles, it has not developed a corresponding support system. The article analyzes its causes and future development requirements.) The fourth part discusses Possible Changes and Prospects of OLCR Command and Control Systems. The publication appears for publication, for reference. - editorial department