蒙特贝卢纳镇位于意大利北部多洛米蒂山山脚下不起眼的地方,是世界运动鞋工业的中心。世界上75%的滑雪鞋、65%的雪地鞋、25%的冰鞋是由这里制造的。全镇有400家制鞋公司,其中包括一些跨国公司,共雇员工8000人。这里还制造旅游鞋、滑雪板和旱冰鞋。那么,这个小镇是怎样成为运动鞋制造业中心的呢? 蒙特贝卢纳镇鞋博物馆馆长阿尔多·杜兰特说:“除了高水平的制鞋工艺和优质材料之外,这里还得到从鞋皮厂到鞋带厂等一系列相关行业的大力支持。”蒙特贝卢纳镇的制鞋业始于70年代。起初,该地的制鞋厂制作该地区伐木工人和山民穿的鞋。
The town of Montebelluna is located in the inconspicuous place at the foot of the Dolomites in northern Italy and is the center of the world’s sports footwear industry. 75% of the world’s skiing shoes, 65% of snow shoes, and 25% of skates are made here. The town has 400 shoe-making companies, including a number of multinational corporations with a total of 8,000 employees. It also manufactures sneakers, skis and roller skates. Then, how did this town become the center of the sports shoe manufacturing? Aldo Durant, director of the Monteblona Townshoe Museum, said: “In addition to high-quality shoemaking techniques and high-quality materials, there is From shoe factories to lacing factories and other related industries to support." The town of Montebelluna shoe-making industry began in the 70’s. Initially, shoe factories in the area produced shoes worn by lumberjacks and mountain people in the area.