目的:了解全科医生对心脏性猝死(SCD)知识的知晓情况,为全科医生参与SCD防治工作提供依据。方法:采用方便抽样的方法,应用自行设计的问卷对124名河南省全科医生(基层全科医生和全科专业规范化培训的住院医生)开展SCD相关知识调查,内容包括SCD预防、早诊和急救3个维度,每个维度5个条目,总分15分。采用n t检验、方差分析和χn 2检验进行统计学分析。n 结果:对124名河南省全科医生进行横断面调查,包括63名基层全科医生和61名全科住培医生。结果发现全科医生对于SCD预防、早诊和急救等知识的知晓情况较差,总体得分8.03(标准差为2.58)。全科住培医生在各个维度的得分均显著高于基层全科医生[(3.44±0.89)分比(2.19±1.06)分、(2.67±0.91)分比(1.43±0.80)分、(3.54±0.94)分比(2.84±1.30)分,n t=7.13、8.11、3.45,均n P≤0.001],基层全科医生对“早筛检查指标的选择”和“心脏骤停的抢救措施”回答正确率显著高于全科住培医生(50.8%比9.8%、88.9%比26.2%,χn 2=24.79、49.02,均n P<0.001)。n 结论:全科医生对SCD预防、早诊和急救知识的认知程度不均衡、不充分,应有针对性的开展SCD知识的培训,梳理全科医生、住院医师规范化培训中的薄弱点,提出改进建议,将SCD的一级预防及二级预防落到实处。“,”Objective:To understand the knowledge situation of sudden cardiac death (SCD) among general practitioners (GPs) and provide the suggestions on the prevention and treatment of SCD basis for GPs.Methods:A self-designed questionnaire on SCD-related knowledge was used for GPs in He′nan province, including GPs in the training program and working in rural areas.The questionnaire included three dimensions of SCD-related knowledge on prevention, early diagnosis and emergency treatment.There were 5 questions for each dimension, with a total score of 15 points for all 15 questions.Statistical analysis was performed using n t test, analysis of variance and Chi-square test.n Results:A total of 124 GPs were included in the cross-sectional survey, including 63 GP trainers and 61 rural GPs.The GPs had the low level of SCD-related knowledge of prevention, early diagnosis and emergency treatment, with an overall score of 8.03 (SD=2.58). The score of GP trainers was significantly higher than that of rural GPs in all three dimensions [(3.44±0.89)points vs.(2.19±1.06)points, (2.67±0.91)points vs.(1.43±0.80)points, (3.54±0.94)points vs.(2.84±1.30)points, n t=7.13, 8.11, 3.45, all n P<0.001]. Rural GPs had a significantly higher correct rate of “ choice of early screening examinations” and “ first-aid measures for cardiac arrest” than GP trainers (50.8% vs.9.8%, 88.9% vs.26.2%, χn 2=24.79, 49.02, all n P<0.001).n Conclusion:GPs have low levels of SCD-related knowledge.The training for the GPs should be targeted on the weak points of knowledge on the primary prevention and secondary prevention of SCD.