Microarray analysis in gastric cancer:A review

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingtigerzhang
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Gastric cancer is one of the most common tumors worldwide.Although several treatment options have been developed,the mortality rate is increasing.Lymph node involvement is considered the most reliable prognostic indicator in gastric cancer.Early diagnosis improves the survival rate of patients and increases the likelihood of successful treatment.The most reliable diagnostic method is endoscopic examination,however,it is expensive and not feasible in poorer countries.Therefore,many innovative techniques have been studied to develop a new non-invasive screening test and to identify specific serum biomarkers.DNA microarray analysis is one of the new technologies able to measure the expression levels of a large number of genes simultaneously.It is possible to define the gene expression profile of the tumor and to correlate it with the prognosis and metastasis formation.Several studies in the literature have been published on the role of microarray analysis in gastric cancer and the mechanisms of proliferation and metastasis formation.The aim of this review is to analyze the importance of microarray analysis and its clinical applications to better define the genetic characteristics of gastric cancer and its possible implications in a more decisive treatment. Gastric cancer is one of the most common tumors worldwide. Although several treatment options have been developed, the mortality rate is increasing. Lymph node involvement is considered the most reliable prognostic indicator in gastric cancer. Early diagnosis improves the survival rate of patients and increases the likelihood of successful treatment. The most reliable diagnostic method is endoscopic examination, however, it is expensive and not feasible in poorer countries. Therefore, many innovative techniques have been studied to develop a new non-invasive screening test and to identify specific serum biomarkers. DNA microarray analysis is one of the new technologies able to measure the expression levels of a large number of genes simultaneously. It is possible to define the gene expression profile of the tumor and to correlate it with the prognosis and metastasis formation. Publisher studies in the literature have been published on the role of microarray analysis in gastric cancer and the mechani sms of proliferation and metastasis formation. The aim of this review is to analyze the importance of microarray analysis and its clinical applications to better define the genetic characteristics of gastric cancer and its possible implications in a more decisive treatment.
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