FUTURE WORLD – Where Art Meets Science是艺术与科学相互碰撞的奇观,由闻名遐迩、屡获大奖的日本数字体验装置技术团队teamLab与艺术科学博物馆合作打造。该展览占地1500平方米,是新加坡最大的数字展览。此次展览采用自然、城镇、公园和太空四种主题叙事方式,让游客踏上神奇的发现之旅。
Nature自然 旅途的开始是植物花朵的互动世界,采用数字技术打造魅力画卷,让游客重建与自然的连接。
Town城镇 展览的第二个板块带着游客领略熙熙攘攘的“城镇风光”,由游客生成的高楼大厦拔地而起,变成一座热闹的虚拟城市。
Park公园 展览的第三章邀请游客尽情玩耍,从中认识到“玩耍”是人类生命中不可分割的部分。
Space太空 展览在结尾别出心裁地为游客安排了遨游太空的旅程,带领游客来到宇宙中心,叹为观止。
Come 12 March, visitors can embark on an interactive journey of exploration and play at Future World–ArtScience Museum's new permanent exhibition, where 15 digital art installations come to life through cutting-edge science and technology.
Future World–Where Art Meets Science–is co-curated with teamLab, a globally renowned Japanese group of ultra-technologists and multi-award winning art collective. Together with ArtScience Museum, the art collective has built Singapore's largest digital playground, spanning 1,500 square meters. Future World take visitors on a journey of discovery through the following four key narratives– Nature, Town, Park and Space.
Nature The adventure begins with an enchanting stroll through an interactive world of flora and fauna comprised entirely of digital technology, recreating the experience of being connected to nature.
Town The journey continues as visitors playfully glide through a slide into "Town"–a bustling and lively cityscape where visitor-generated input builds up and populates virtual towns.
Park The third chapter of this exhibition invites visitors to play and have fun, and to appreciate "play" as an integral and essential part of human life.
Space Beyond nature, city life and recreational sport, the exhibition takes visitors into the heart of the universe at the very end of the journey.
FUTURE WORLD – Where Art Meets Science是艺术与科学相互碰撞的奇观,由闻名遐迩、屡获大奖的日本数字体验装置技术团队teamLab与艺术科学博物馆合作打造。该展览占地1500平方米,是新加坡最大的数字展览。此次展览采用自然、城镇、公园和太空四种主题叙事方式,让游客踏上神奇的发现之旅。
Nature自然 旅途的开始是植物花朵的互动世界,采用数字技术打造魅力画卷,让游客重建与自然的连接。
Town城镇 展览的第二个板块带着游客领略熙熙攘攘的“城镇风光”,由游客生成的高楼大厦拔地而起,变成一座热闹的虚拟城市。
Park公园 展览的第三章邀请游客尽情玩耍,从中认识到“玩耍”是人类生命中不可分割的部分。
Space太空 展览在结尾别出心裁地为游客安排了遨游太空的旅程,带领游客来到宇宙中心,叹为观止。
Come 12 March, visitors can embark on an interactive journey of exploration and play at Future World–ArtScience Museum's new permanent exhibition, where 15 digital art installations come to life through cutting-edge science and technology.
Future World–Where Art Meets Science–is co-curated with teamLab, a globally renowned Japanese group of ultra-technologists and multi-award winning art collective. Together with ArtScience Museum, the art collective has built Singapore's largest digital playground, spanning 1,500 square meters. Future World take visitors on a journey of discovery through the following four key narratives– Nature, Town, Park and Space.
Nature The adventure begins with an enchanting stroll through an interactive world of flora and fauna comprised entirely of digital technology, recreating the experience of being connected to nature.
Town The journey continues as visitors playfully glide through a slide into "Town"–a bustling and lively cityscape where visitor-generated input builds up and populates virtual towns.
Park The third chapter of this exhibition invites visitors to play and have fun, and to appreciate "play" as an integral and essential part of human life.
Space Beyond nature, city life and recreational sport, the exhibition takes visitors into the heart of the universe at the very end of the journey.