头痛是急性脑卒中的常见症状;其特点依卒中类型、病变部位及起病形式而不同。本文总结了196例急性脑卒中病人的头痛特点,目的在于分析各型卒中头痛的差异。1对象与方法1.1对象 1986年以来因车中住院病人196例,均通过头颅CT或脑脊液检查明确诊断。其中男11
Headache is a common symptom of acute stroke; its characteristics vary depending on the type of stroke, the site of the lesion, and the onset form. This article summarizes the characteristics of headache in 196 patients with acute stroke, the purpose of which is to analyze the differences in each type of stroke. 1 objects and methods 1.1 objects Since 1986, in-car patients in hospital 196 cases, all through the head CT or cerebrospinal fluid clear diagnosis. Among them male 11