新年伊始 ,在深入学习、贯彻党的十六大精神 ,全面建设小康社会和把佛山打造成广东第三大城市的热潮中 ,佛山市图书馆迎来了建馆四十五周年和新馆开放十周年志庆的大喜日子 ,全馆上下欢天喜地 ,举行了多项活动以迎接和庆祝这一盛事。1月 7日至 15日期间 ,我馆举办了“佛山地区
At the beginning of the new year, in the craze of studying and implementing the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and building Foshan into the third largest city in Guangdong, the Foshan Library ushered in the 45th anniversary of the founding of the museum and the opening of the new museum The tenth anniversary of the anniversary of the dawn, the whole hall joyfully, held a number of activities to meet and celebrate this event. From January 7 to January 15, our museum organized "Foshan Area