在明确高产高效矿井开采模式内涵与结构的基础上 ,根据工作面布置方式与生产线类型 ,将开采模式划分为 7类 ,并对其进行了技术、经济、风险及有效性的综合分析 .从不同开采模式综合生产能力、工作面数目、稳产时间、工艺方式、综合效能度、经济合理性及风险值等 7个方面 ,较为系统、全面地进行了高产高效矿井开采模式的合理选择 .东滩煤矿实例分析表明 ,所建立的高产高效矿井开采模式选择的模糊综合评判模型是有效的 .
On the basis of clarifying the connotation and structure of high productivity and high efficiency mining pattern, the mining pattern is divided into seven categories according to the layout of working face and the type of production line, and a comprehensive analysis of its technology, economy, risk and effectiveness is made. Mining mode comprehensive production capacity, the number of face, stable production time, technology, comprehensive efficiency, economic rationality and risk value of seven aspects, a more systematic and comprehensive conduct of high-yield and efficient mining mode of reasonable choice.Dongtan Coal Mine The case study shows that the established fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of high productivity and high efficiency mining mode is effective.