事业成功与否,与领导用人理念密切,在此,略陈管见,以飨读者。 识才之智。人们常说,有德无才是好人,有才无德是小人,无才无德是庸人,德才兼备是贤人。又曰,有才穷不久,无德富不长。作为领导,必须慧眼识才,识才不能以偏概全,对人抱有成见,偏听偏信,事先定框框,求全责备,轻易下结论,把人看死,以致于误伤人才,造成事业踏步不前。
Career success or not, and the concept of leadership employment closely, here, slightly Chen see to readers. Knowledge of talent. People often say that virtuous man is a good man, a man of no virtue is a man, a manless man of no virtue is mediocre, a man of both ability and political integrity is virtuous. Again, said talent shortly, no virtue is not long. As a leader, it is necessary to know the talent before it can be understood, and then the knowledge should not be overly generalized, with prejudice against people, partial prejudices and preconceived notions, easy conclusions, the death of human beings, and the accidental injury of human resources. Not before.