精选理由为新品牌制定设计方向对设计事务所来说既兴奋又具挑战性!这不是单纯的一个室内设计项目,而是建立一个交织着市场营销,品牌形象,商业战略,还有客户心理的庞大体系。OOBIQ欧比可建筑设计的建筑师Giambattista Burdo和Samuele Martelli与品牌持有人一拍即合,在初步沟通后即得出明确的目标:为品牌店铺建立一个摩登而让人印象深刻的欧洲风格!
Selected reasons Designing a new brand is both exciting and challenging for a design firm! This is not a mere interior design project, but rather an interwoven marketing, brand image, business strategy, and customer psychology The huge system. The architects OOBIQ Architects Giambattista Burdo and Samuele Martelli, together with the brand owners, made clear the initial communication: building a modern and impressive European style for the brand’s store!