水彩画作为一个独立的画种,有它特有的风貌和语言特性,是其它画种难以取代的。以前被绘画界普遍认为是“小画种”、“小品”、“雕虫小技”的水彩画,在艺术走向多元化、个性化的今天,对于其特殊语言的探索和研究有着重要意义。 水彩画是人类最古老的画种之一,20世纪上半叶由西方传入我国。有学者认为:中国水彩画的历史,是中西融合的历史。事实上,中国的水彩画在技法运用和意境创造上受到中国画的
As an independent painting, watercolor has its unique style and language features, which are hard to replace by other paintings. In the past, watercolor paintings generally regarded as “small paintings”, “sketch” and “carving little skills” are of great significance to the exploration and research of their special languages in the days when the art is diversified and personalized. Watercolors are one of the oldest paintings of mankind, which was introduced into our country from west in the first half of 20th century. Some scholars think that: the history of Chinese watercolor painting is a fusion of Chinese and Western history. In fact, Chinese watercolor paintings are influenced by the use of techniques and artistic creation in Chinese paintings