The histological features of meningiomas have been studied in depth, but the interface between meningioma and brain is less studied. Meningiomas often invade the meninges and skulls but rarely invade the brain. This article discusses the relationship between meningioma and its surrounding brain tissue and subarachnoid vessels. From 272 cases of meningioma autopsy materials from 1950 to 1982, the authors selected 27 cases that meet the following conditions for the study: 1. No surgery, 2. Meningioma is connected to the brain, 3. The specimen also retained meningioma and brain tissue. The average diameter of the tumor was measured from autopsy records or specimen sections. Three of the 27 cases had symptoms before their lifetime, and the rest were found during autopsy. Only one case of infiltrative nuclear chromatin increased and the rest were benign meningiomas. It also included 3 surgical specimens. The tumor brain interface is divided into four types: 1. smooth type, relatively flat interface, 2. lobular type, nodules, interface