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一、乡土树种结构及现状建国以来,我省黄土高原的植树造林工作取得了很大成绩。大力发展杨树、泡桐、刺槐、水杉等树种,促进了“四旁”和荒山荒坡的绿化,林木在水土保持、涵养水源、防风固沙、调节气候以及解决农村“四料”(肥料、燃料、饲料、木料)等方面取得了很好成绩,这是应当肯定的。但是值得注意的一个问题是各地在植树造林工作中,对发展乡土树种却重视不足,导致造林树种结构很不合理。目前山地造林中刺槐占相当大的比例,原区及“四旁”植树又以杨树占绝对优势。淳化县营造的12.9万亩防护林和用材林中,刺槐面积占11.1万亩,占造林总面 First, the native tree species structure and the status quo Since the founding of our country, the province’s afforestation work on the Loess Plateau has made great achievements. Vigorously develop poplar, paulownia, acacia, metasequoia and other tree species, and promote the “four sides” and barren hills and slopes of greening, forest in soil and water conservation, conservation of water sources, sand fixation, climate regulation and solve the rural “four materials” (fertilizer, fuel, Feed, wood) and other areas have achieved good results, it should be affirmed. However, one issue that deserves our attention is that in afforestation work around the country, insufficient attention has been paid to the development of native tree species, resulting in a very unreasonable afforestation tree structure. At present, the locust afforestation in mountainous area accounts for a considerable proportion of the original area and the “four sides” of trees and poplar absolute advantage. Chunhua County, 129,000 mu of shelterbelts and timber forests, acacia area of ​​11.1 hectares, accounting for the total afforestation
Cadence公司下属的Alta Group推出的Visual Architect~(TM)系统,是工业界第一个“面向应用的高级行为级综合的解决方案”。对于系统和ASIC设计人员,Visual Architect(VA)能
1 问题的提出  收稿日期 :2 0 0 1-0 1-12  单车成本是指每台机械在使用过程中所发生的所有费用的总和。主要包括机械日常维修保养费用、机械大修理费用、动力燃料费用
We present an extended analytical model including the depletion effect and the dimension of ligand-receptor complex,aiming to elucidate their influences on endo
AIM: To assess lung parenchymal changes in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) using high resolution computed tomography (HRCT). METHODS: We included 78 AS patients who
当一个男人被10000次地告知,他永远无法超越他的父亲,这是幸运,还是不幸?卢克的回答是:我和比尔·沃顿是完全不同的球员,我清楚我的方向。 Luckily, or unlucky, when a man