恶性黑色素瘤可发生于身体任何部位,但原发于双侧乳腺者甚为少见,现报告1例。 患者,女,36岁。因发现右侧乳腺肿块16个月,左侧乳腺肿块8个月而入院。病人自觉胀痛,偶有发热。查体见双乳肿块均占据整个乳房。呈融合状生长,质硬,表面皮肤破溃结黑痂,乳头下陷,周围可见数十个卫星结节,右锁骨上及右腋下各扪及一肿大淋巴结,分别为0.7cm×1.0cm,0.5cm×0.5cm,质硬,固定,右肺呼吸音弱,自第五肋以下叩诊浊音,余(一)。B超、胸片、CT检查均提示双乳腺体增厚,皮肤增厚,腋下及锁骨上淋巴结转移,右胸腔积液。局部组织活检病
Malignant melanoma can occur in any part of the body, but it is rarely seen in the primary bilateral breast. One case is now reported. Patient, female, 36 years old. The right breast mass was found for 16 months and the left breast mass was admitted for 8 months. The patient felt pain and occasional fever. Check the body see double breast lumps occupy the entire breast. Growing in a fusion-like shape, hard and hard, the surface of the skin is crusted with knots and black pimple, the nipple is subside, dozens of satellite nodules are visible around the right, the right supraclavicular and right subaxillary ridges and one enlarged lymph node are 0.7cm×1.0cm, respectively. , 0.5cm × 0.5cm, hard, fixed, right lung breath sounds weak, since the fifth rib below dull voiced, I (a). B-ultrasonography, chest radiographs, and CT examinations all revealed thickening of the double breasts, thickening of the skin, infraorbital and supraclavicular lymph node metastasis, and right pleural effusion. Local tissue biopsy