中国统计学会成立十年来,对统计科学研究是本着理论联系实际的原则,不断地探索前进的。十年来,统计科学研究的成果,对实际统计工作起着一定的指导与推动作用。可以说,十年来,我国社会主义统计工作的建立和发展,是和统计科学的探索同步进行的。 一 十年来,各地方各专业统计学会紧密配合我国统计工作的恢复和发展,及时地组织学术讨论,引导对重大理论问题研究的深入开展,在统计理论的建设上做了大量工作。 (一)统计科学研究的恢复
Since its establishment 10 years ago, the Statistical Society of China has continuously explored and promoted the study of statistical science based on the principle of linking theory with practice. In the past ten years, the achievements in statistical science research have played a guiding and promoting role in the actual statistical work. It can be said that over the past decade, the establishment and development of China’s socialist statistics work proceeded in parallel with the exploration of statistical science. In the past 10 years, various local statistical institutes of various fields worked closely with the recovery and development of China’s statistical work, organized academic discussions in a timely manner, conducted in-depth studies on major theoretical issues and done a great deal of work in the construction of statistical theory. (A) the recovery of statistical science research