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波利亚在《怎样解题》中将解题分为四步——理解题目,拟定计划,执行计划和回顾.由此可看出,解题后的反思是解题的重要组成部分.通过回顾完整的答案,重新审查解答,可巩固知识,培养解题能力.波利亚认为“没有任何一个题目是彻底完成的,总还会有事情可做,在充分的研究和洞察后,我们可以将任何解法加以改进,无论如何,总可以深化我们对答案的理解”.解题后反思可以将不同的问题相互联系,不同知识相互联系, In “How to Solve a Problem”, Polya divided the problem into four steps - comprehension of the subject, preparation of plans, implementation of plans, and review. From this it can be seen that the reflection after the problem is an important part of the problem. Reviewing the complete answers and re-examining the answers can consolidate knowledge and develop problem-solving abilities. According to Polya, “Nothing is completely completed. There is always something to do. After full research and insight, we Any solution can be improved, in any case, we can always deepen our understanding of the answer ". Reflection after the problem can be linked to different issues, different knowledge related to each other,