古田溪因龙亭瀑布而著名,其水力资源一向为省内有关方面所注目。但自1933年至1949年的16年间,开发古田水电,仍不过是纸上谈兵而已。根据有关资料,早在1933年4月,福建省建设厅即派员勘测龙亭瀑布水力,并拟出曹洋溪口筑坝高约60米,引水至龙亭瀑布下游,发电12000千瓦的计划。 1946年6月,福建省建设厅又派测量队到古田勘测历时3个月,此次勘测较为全面,计划全溪划分为三级开发:
Gutian River is famous for its Longting Waterfall, and its hydraulic resources have always attracted the attention of the relevant parties in the province. However, during the 16 years from 1933 to 1949, the development of Gutian Hydropower was still nothing but paper talk. According to relevant information, as early as April 1933, the Fujian Provincial Department of Construction dispatched personnel to survey the hydraulic power of Longting Waterfall and planned to build a dam about 60 meters high at Caoyang Xikou Dam and divert water to the downstream of Longting Waterfall and generate 12,000 kilowatts of power. In June 1946, the Fujian Provincial Department of Construction also sent a survey team to Gutian for a survey lasting 3 months. The survey was more comprehensive and planned to be divided into three levels by Quanxi: