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我们小学里的教师和学生每年到了“六一”国际儿童节的时候,都欢欣鼓舞庆祝这个节日。在庆祝儿童自己的节日的时候,教师必须很好的对儿童进行教育,要他们努力做一个新中国的好儿女,毛主席的好学生。教师自己也应当认清自己责任的重大,更热爱目已的学生,更热爱自己的工作,全心全意为儿童教育事业服务,完成祖国和人民交给我们培养新一代的光荣任务。究竟要把我们的儿童培养成什么样子,才算得上是祖国的好儿女,毛主席的好学生呢?简单的说,我们要把儿童培养成为智育、德育、体育、美育全面发展,自觉的积极的建设社会主义社会的新人。因为我们国家已进入了过渡时期,全国人民在毛主席领导之下,要逐步把我们的国家建设成为一个强大的社会主义的国家,儿童是我们国家新生的一代,他们将接替我们的事业,为建设社会主义和共产主义而争取最後的胜利。一个社会主义共产主义建设者,必须是全面发展的“新人”。这个全面发展的新人,与旧教育所教育出来的“旧人”是完全不同的。旧教育所教育出来的“旧人”,只能用脑,不能用手;只是智力有些发展,对於体力很少发展,形成了“文弱书生”;只注意书本的背诵,忽视了真正道德品质的培养,形成了“文人无行”,这种旧教育所教育出来的“旧人”,只能是片面的发展,不可能是全面的发展。这种片面发展的结果,便使人成为“好逸恶劳”,只能享受,不能生产的人。他们很多变成了统治阶级剥削阶级当中的一员,或者成为统治阶级剥削阶级的雇佣劳动者。他们一般是轻视劳动,轻视劳动人民的,他们的理由是:“万般皆下品,唯有读书高”,“吃苦不赚钱”,“赚钱不吃苦”(吃苦是指体力劳动说的)。我们今天所要培养的全面发展的“新人”,是完全相反,既要发展学生的智力,同时也要发展学生的体力,既要学生具有系统的科学知识,更要培养他们具有共产主义的思想、情感、行为、习惯,既要培养他们努力学习,争取更好的成绩,更要培养他们热爱劳动,发挥创造的精神,使他们能用脑也能用手。这种全面发展教育的结果,就是要使他们成为爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱护公共财物,诚实、勇敢、壮健、活泼的新中国优秀儿童。这种优秀儿童,要用胡克实同志的话来说,应该像这个样子:“他们应该是集体主义者,为全人类和我国人民的幸福而献身的战士,而不是眼光渺小和庸俗的利己主义者,是热爱劳动、富於创造性的人,而不是懒惰保守,唯唯诺诺的人,是具有高度文化科学知识的,而不是空空洞洞不学无术的人,是生气勃勃,坚靱强健的人,而 Teachers and students in our primary school celebrate this festival every year when they come to the 61st International Children’s Day. Teachers must educate children very well when they celebrate their own festivals and want them to work hard to become good children of New China and Chairman Mao’s good students. The teachers themselves should also recognize that they have major responsibilities, those who are more passionate about their own interests, those who love their own work more, serve the cause of children’s education wholeheartedly, and fulfill the glorious tasks entrusted by our motherland and our people to cultivating a new generation. How can we train our children to look like good children of the motherland and Chairman Mao’s good students? Simply put, we should train our children in the all-round development of intellectual education, moral education, sports and aesthetic education, and consciously and actively A newcomer to the building of a socialist society. Because our country has entered a transitional period, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, the Chinese people will gradually build our country into a strong socialist country. Children are the new generation of our country who will take over our cause and help Striving for the final victory in building socialism and communism. A socialist communist builder must be a “newcomer” of all-round development. This all-round new personality is completely different from the “old man” educated by the old education. The “old people” educated by the old education can only use their brains and can not use their hands. Only with the development of their intelligence, they rarely develop their physical strength and form “weakened scholar”; they only pay attention to the recitation of books and neglect the true moral character The “old man” educated by this old education can only develop in a one-sided manner and can not be an all-round development. As a result of this one-sided development, people become “indolent” people who can only enjoy and can not produce. Many of them have become part of the ruling class of exploiters or wage workers of the ruling class. They generally underestimate the work and despise the working people for the following reasons: “Everything is good, only high school,” “hard-earned no money,” “hard-earned money” (hard work means physical labor). The all-round development of “new people” that we want to train today is the opposite. It is necessary to develop the students ’intelligence while developing the students’ physical strength. Students must have systematic scientific knowledge, develop their communist ideas, Emotions, behaviors and habits should not only train them to study hard and strive for better grades, but also cultivate their loving and creative spirit so that they can use their minds and hands. The result of such comprehensive development education is to make them the excellent children of New China who love the motherland, love the people, love labor, love science, care for public goods, and are honest, courageous, strong and vigorous. This excellent child, to use Comrade Hook’s comrade, should look like this: "They should be the collectivists, the warriors devoted to the happiness of all mankind and the people of our country, not the small and vulgar egoists, They are people who love labor and are creative. They are not lazy conservatives. They are people who have a high degree of cultural and scientific knowledge. They are not vigorous, strong and strong people.
目的 观察平溃散联合奥美拉唑对幽门螺杆菌相关性消化性溃疡疗效.方法选择本站2011年2月~2013年1月间收治的消化性溃疡患者76例,随机分为两组,奥美拉唑组35例,平溃散联合奥美