2007年1月22日至26日,国际海事组织(IMO)船员培训和值班标准(STW)分委会第38次会议在英国伦敦召开。79个会员国、2个联系委员(法罗群岛、中国香港)和22个政府间、非政府组织的代表和观察员出席了会议。IMO秘书长米乔普勒斯(E.Mitropoulos)先生出席开幕式并发表讲话,指出今年世界海事日的主题是国际海事组织关注与应对目前环境的挑战。牙买加海事局局长彼得·布莱迪(Peter Brady)少将在会上被选举为2008年度STW分委会主席,黎巴嫩海陆运输局局长凯斯(A.H.Kayssi)先生为副主席。
From January 22 to January 26, 2007, the 38th meeting of IMO Subcommittee on Training and Watchkeeping (STW) Sub-Committee was held in London, England. Representatives and observers from 79 Member States, 2 associate members (Faroe Islands, Hong Kong, China) and 22 intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations attended the meeting. IMO Secretary-General E. Mitropoulos attended the opening ceremony and made a speech, stating that the theme of this year’s World Maritime Day is the IMO’s challenge of focusing on and responding to the current environment. Major-General Peter Brady, Jamaica Maritime Administrator, was elected as Chairman of the 2008 STW Subcommittee, with A.H. Kayssi, Lebanon’s Director of Land and Maritime Transport as Vice-Chair.