看着她那十分矮小的身躯,确实令人难以相信,她竟独自一人挑起一个中等规模饭店冼菜杂工的重担。看着她在一堆堆待加工的鸡、鱼和一筐筐要清洗的蔬菜中间,头不抬,手不停地忙碌着,不由你不对她产生由衷的敬佩和感叹! 王惠萍今年40岁,这个身高不足1.5米,体重才40多公斤的上海知青,来到内蒙已经17年了,在海拉尔农牧场管理局商业公司农垦饭店当洗菜杂工,也有6个年头了。6年中,饭店经办的婚丧嫁娶,迎来送往的宴席,何止千百桌,哪桌席,哪道菜,没有她的
It was unbelievable to look at her very short body. She was alone in the burden of provoking a midsize restaurant, Sinke. Looked at her in a piles of chicken to be processed, fish and a basket of vegetables to be washed in the middle of the head does not lift, hand kept busy, not help you not sincerely admire her and sigh! Wang Huiping 40-year-old, The height of less than 1.5 meters, weighing only 40 kilograms of Shanghai educated youth, has come to Inner Mongolia for 17 years, in Hailar Farmyard Authority Nongken Hotel as a kitchen cleaning workers, there are 6 years. 6 years, the wedding and funeral marrying the hotel, ushered to the feast, more than a thousand tables, which table seats, which dishes, without her