Comparison Study on Wind Input and Whitecapping Dissipation Expressions in Numerical Simulation of T

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In order to investigate the effect of wind input and whitecapping dissipation on the simulation of typhoon-waves,three experiments are conducted with the latest version of SWAN(Simulating WAves Nearshore)model.The three experiments adopt the Komen,Janssens,and Westhuysen expressions for wind input and whitecapping dissipation,respectively.Besides the above-mentioned source terms,other parameterization schemes in these experiments are the same.It shows that the experiment with the Westhuysen expression result in the least simulation errors while that with the Janssens expression has the most.The results from the experiments with Komen and Westhuysen expressions show that the differences in significant wave height(SWH)have a good correlation with the differences in dissipation energy caused by whitecapping.This indicates that the whitecapping dissipation source term plays an important role in the resultant differences of the simulated SWH between the two experiments. In order to investigate the effect of wind input and whitecapping dissipation on the simulation of typhoon-waves, three experiments are conducted with the latest version of SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore) model. The three experiments adopt the Komen, Janssens, and Westhuysen expressions for wind input and whitecapping dissipation, respectively. Theseides the above-mentioned source terms, other parameterization schemes in these experiments are the same. It shows that the experiment with the Westhuysen expression result in the least simulation errors while that with the Janssens expression has the most . The results from the experiments with Komen and Westhuysen expressions show that the differences in significant wave height (SWH) have a good correlation with the differences in dissipation energy caused by whitecapping. This indicates that the whitecapping dissipation source term plays an important role in the the resultant differences of the simulated SWH between the two experiments.
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