三月三十一日至四月一日,六安地区文化局以“振奋精神、努力拼博、再创皖西戏剧与音乐创造的辉煌”为主题,在皋城召开了全区戏剧,音乐题材规划会。 与会代表四十人,他们中有:老骥伏枥、壮心不已的“老兵”;硕果累累,饮誉全国的中年戏剧家和作曲家;年轻有望、出手不凡的后起之秀。他们中不仅有忠实于戏剧事业,长年苦心孤旨、辛勤耕耘的专业工作者,更有来自基层,洋溢着浓厚乡土气息的优秀的业余作者,还有有关剧团负责同志。大家相聚在一起,相
From March 31 to April 1, the Cultural Bureau of Lu’an District took the theme of “Enhancing Efforts, Pinning Bo and Recreating the Dramas Created by Opera and Music in West Anhui” Theme planning meeting. Among the 40 delegates, there are: veteran, veteran “veteran”; fruitful, well-known national middle-aged dramatist and composer; young hopeful, extraordinary shot of the rising star. Among them are not only professional workers who are loyal to the cause of drama, who have worked hard for many years and who have worked hard, but also outstanding amateur writers from the grassroots level who are full of native flavor and responsible comrades of the troupe. Everyone together, phase