
来源 :地球物理学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xboy123
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2012年4月,国务院批准在中俄朝三国交界的珲春市设立“中国图们江区域(珲春)国际合作示范区”.珲春地区蕴藏丰富矿产资源和煤炭资源.该地区二叠系油气地质调查已经开始.然而,关于珲春地区深部地质信息非常匮乏.为服务珲春地区经济,了解深部地质信息,2014年,我们在敬信盆地采集一条贯穿盆地大地电磁(MT)剖面.MT数据编辑后,通过阻抗极化图和基于阻抗张量分解的多测点-多频点统计分析技术确定地电走向.通过对视电阻率和阻抗相位曲线、拟断面图进行分析,定性解释地层电性纵向变化.由于采集的垂直磁场分量质量高,对倾子振幅和倾子相位拟断面进行探讨性的分析,定性解释地层电性横向变化.对正则化参数,底板误差,敏感度实验等进行了分析,采用非线性共轭梯度法对TE和TM模式数据进行联合反演,经过多次试验,得到了一个合理的电阻率模型.结合水文钻井、地质资料,对古近系敬信盆地的基底进行了刻画,识别了深部断裂带,提供了敬信盆地属于裂谷型盆地的依据. In April 2012, the State Council approved the establishment of the “China Tumen River Region (Hunchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone” in Hunchun, China and Russia at the border of the three countries. "Hunchun region is rich in mineral resources and coal resources. The Permian oil and gas Geological survey has already begun.However, deep geological information about Hunchun is very scarce.With deep understanding of deep geological information in Hunchun region, we collected a section of MT through the basin in the Zhixin basin in 2014. After editing the MT data, The geoelectric trend is determined by the impedance polarization diagram and the multi-measurement-multi-frequency statistical analysis technique based on the impedance tensor decomposition.Through the analysis of the apparent resistivity and impedance phase curves and the quasi-sectional view, the vertical electrical property changes of the formation can be qualitatively explained Because of the high mass of the vertical magnetic field, the exploratory analysis of the pens amplitude and the dip phase section qualitatively explained the horizontal electric change of the stratigraphy, the regularization parameter, the floor error and the sensitivity experiment were analyzed, A non-linear conjugate gradient method was used to perform joint inversion on the TE and TM data, and a reasonable resistivity model was obtained after many experiments. Combined with hydrological drilling , And geological data, the basement of the Tertiary-Tertiary Estee. Basin has been portrayed, the deep fault zone has been identified, and the basis for the Terence Basin to belong to the rift basin has been provided.
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