美国第18届乳腺癌会议1995年12月在圣安东尼市召开。来自美国及中、英、法、德、意、日等23个国家和地区的400余名代表出席会议。 乳腺癌的临床治疗:仍强调综合治疗的价值。美国对132例早期病人保守外科(保留乳房)手术的3年局部复发率为8%,而保守外科加放疗的局部复发率只为0%。对晚期病人治疗总的倾向采用大剂量化疗加G-CSF加骨髓干细胞移植方法。紫杉醇
The 18th American Breast Cancer Conference was held in St. Anthony in December 1995. More than 400 delegates from 23 countries and regions including the United States, China, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan attended the meeting. Clinical treatment of breast cancer: The value of comprehensive treatment is still emphasized. In the United States, the 3-year local recurrence rate of conservative surgery (retention of breast) in 132 early-stage patients was 8%, while the local recurrence rate of conservative surgery plus radiotherapy was only 0%. The overall treatment of advanced patients tends to use high-dose chemotherapy plus G-CSF plus bone marrow stem cell transplantation. Paclitaxel