辨病论治与辨证论治相结合,是当今中医学术界的热门话题之一,也是研习中医学者必须了解和非常关注的问题。《中医基础理论》 5版教材已提出了“既辨病又辨证”的原则,但未加详述。 6版教材《中医基础理论》第一次较为详细地论述了辨病论治与辨证论治的关系问题,但其观点模
The combination of differentiation of treatment and differentiation of syndromes is one of the hot topics in Chinese medicine academia today. It is also a problem that Chinese medicine practitioners must understand and pay attention to. The textbook of the Fifth Edition of “Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine” has put forward the principle of “treating both the symptoms of the disease and differentiation of the symptoms”, but does not elaborate. The sixth edition of textbook “basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine” for the first time discusses in more detail the relationship between the theory of differentiation of symptoms and the treatment of syndrome differentiation, but its point of view mode