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荔枝系无患子科,是世界水果中之珍品。原产于我国亚热带地区,已有三千五百多年种植史。然而,嫁接繁育研究较少引起人们重视,生产发展较缓慢。时至今日,荔枝的良种繁育,在我省盛产荔枝的闽南地区,生产上还多采用高压法(本地称圈枝)。这种方法一般“见花压,见果截”,季节性强,母树损失大,繁殖慢。又由于高压苗没主根,易受风害,不耐旱,移栽时成活率较低。所以远远满足不了发展生产的需要。而采用嫁接苗繁育快,可逆性强,恢复生长快,利于发展生产。为此,我们于1984~1985年配合漳州科委,在九湖内僚、漳州农校进行嫁接试验,现将初步结果分述如下: Litchi Sapindaceae, is the world’s treasures in the fruit. Originated in China’s subtropical regions, has more than 3500 years of planting history. However, grafting and breeding research has drawn less attention and its production has been slower. Up to now, the cultivation of litchi varieties, in the province of litchi rich in southern Fujian Province, the production is still more use of high-pressure method (locally called the circle). This method is generally “see the flowers, see fruit cut,” seasonal strong mother tree loss, reproduction slow. And because of high pressure seedling no main root, susceptible to wind damage, no drought tolerance, lower transplanting survival rate. So far can not meet the needs of the development of production. The use of grafted seedlings fast breeding, strong reversibility, rapid recovery and development, which will benefit the development of production. To this end, we cooperate with Zhangzhou Science and Technology Commission from 1984 to 1985, in the nine lakes, Zhangzhou farming school grafting test, the preliminary results are as follows:
研究揭示,中年女性在性生活中如得不到性的满足、经常体验不到性高潮的会带来身心的损害。   美国生理学家曾经做过大量的调查,调查发现,性生活不完美是一些人失眠的重要原因。当一个人正处于性欲旺盛时期而又长时间得不到发泄之时,神经系统便处于高度的亢奋状态,焦虑不安、烦躁,于是失眠便接踵而来。这一点在中年女性身上表现得更加突出。这是因为男女性欲、性高潮和性欲消退在时间上都有较大的差距。男性的性欲能很快激发
本文简介了湖南省的自然条件,记载了湖南省杜鹃花的种类与现状,提出了保护与开发利用杜鹃花的建议。 This article briefly introduces the natural conditions of Hunan Pr
彩叶芋(Caladium bicolor Vent)是天南星科(Araceae)的室内观叶植物。它叶大,彩色斑点变化多。一般用球根繁殖,速度慢;采用组织培养则可大量繁殖。材料和方法以国外引进的11