Based on the provenance, diagenesis mechanism, diagenetic environment and series of rocks, the granites in western Yunnan are classified into quasi-situ reclaimed granite, highly emplaced reclaimed granite, fault metamorphic mylonite, Acidic intrusive granite and alkaline granite five types. The high-in-situ grained melted granite is the parent rock of tin ore. The mineralization is controlled by granite intrusion and gas-thermal alteration. In the different parts of the rock mass, tin (niobium and tantalum) Different types of tin deposits (or mineralization) such as cassiterite-type, cassiterite-quartz type, tin-bearing polymetallic (magnetite) type and cassiterite type. High silicon, alkali-rich and high Rb / Sr ratios are hallmarks of this type of tin-bearing granite. Some of the tin deposits (or mineralization) in the eastern part of western Yunnan are closely related to the metamorphic mylonitization granites. The provenances are all from the surrounding rocks and are formed by the same fault metamorphism. They are mostly cassiterite deposits. Symbiosis of cassiterite and tourmaline . In addition, some intermediate-acid epicontinental porphyries in western Yunnan have obvious tin mineralization, which is worth noting in search of porphyry tin deposits.