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国家税务总局的最新统计分析显示,我国个人所得税收入在过去的22年中每年都在高速增长,特别是1994年实施新税制以来的8年间,个人所得税平均年增幅高达48%,年增收额118亿元,是同一时期增长最快的税种;1980年个人所得税仅征收16万元,2001年收入增至995.99亿元,超过了消费税,成为我国第四大税种,在一些地方已成为地税机关的第二大税种;22年累计组织收入3230亿元,为我国财政收入的增长以及调节个人收入起到了积极的作用。 The latest statistical analysis by the State Administration of Taxation shows that personal income tax revenue in China has been growing rapidly every year for 22 years. Especially in the eight years since the new tax system was implemented in 1994, the personal income tax rate has increased by an average of 48% annually, with an annual increase of 118 In the same period, the personal income tax levied only 160,000 yuan. In 2001, the income increased to 99.599 billion yuan, surpassing the consumption tax and becoming the fourth largest tax in our country. In some places, it has become the tax bureau The second largest tax; the accumulated revenue of the organization in the past 22 years reached 323 billion yuan, which played a positive role in the growth of China’s fiscal revenue and in the adjustment of personal income.
敕勒川,阴山下,  天似苍穹,笼罩四野,  天苍苍,野茫茫,  风吹草低见牛羊。  我来到广阔的草原上,被细微的声音吸引。  那是自草原底层所发出的,牧草舒络筋骨的声音;也是被风吹袭时,草尖与游云相互拥舞的声音。那是人声交错的世界里听不到的微语,人的眼眸与耳识总是停伫在尘世的荣华上,遗忘了草原上有更深奥的交谈。  我逐渐明了,其实人世的生灭故事早已蕴涵在大自然的荣枯里,默默地对人们展示这一切,预告
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A robust algorithm of direction of arrival (DOA) estimation for coherent wideband sources in unknown correlated noise fields was investigated. The noise is usua
《政府采购法》一方面为政府采购工作提供了健康高效的运作平台,另一方面,也对参与政府采购的企业提出了更高的要求。 On the one hand, the Government Procurement Law pr