In January 1949, the mutual aid committees of economic cooperation (also known as “mutual aid committees”) were established in the six countries of the eastern European Union to practice Stalin’s parallel market theory. The mutual cooperation and cooperation among the member countries of the Economic Cooperation and Demolition Commission will be mainly achieved through such measures as the coordination of the national economic plan, specialization in production, and mutual trade. The Soviet Union is at the core of the “economic and social cooperation.” It takes the common development and leveling out of economic disparities in the big socialist family, promotes “international” economic programs in the “inter-society” and uses the planned economy conditions Under the international division of labor, socialism will surpass capitalism. In the internal economic cooperation of “mutual economic cooperation”, almost all the production and trade activities are under the strict control of the government plan, and the factors of production and the commodities can not flow freely. Instead of eliminating the obstacles to the free flow of production factors, the “Economic and Trade Conciliation” will artificially allocate these elements and prevent their free flow through the coordination of long-term economic plans of all countries. Facts have proved that in a planned economy, it is difficult to allocate resources effectively. “International Economic Cooperation and Mutual Assistance ” This international economic cooperation and cooperation is contrary to market rules and is inefficient and uneconomical. With the demise of the socialist system in the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union, the political foundation for economic cooperation among the member nations of the “Economic and Social Council” has vanished. The organization also announced its dissolution in 1991.