中国传统文化的最大优势 ,在于自古以来造就了特有的、优越的民族精神和文化气质 ,其集中表现为“厚德载物”、“大象无形”的胸襟和气概 ;而劣势则是与此相反的 ,比较片面、狭隘、越来越自我封闭的文化倾向 ,即以“克己复礼”为导向的“道德文章主义” ;这种道德上崇古复旧的倾向 ,一旦占据主导地位 ,我们就得重新丧失自己的文化优势
The greatest advantage of Chinese traditional culture is that it has created unique and superior national spirits and cultural qualities since ancient times, which are mainly characterized by the “ambitious” and “the elephant’s invisible” mindset; the disadvantage is that with this On the contrary, one-sided, narrow and increasingly self-contained cultural tendencies, that is, “moral articleism” oriented toward “self-denial and reunion”; once such a predominantly moral and ancient re-orientation, we To lose their cultural superiority again