洛杉矶当代美术馆(The Museum of Contemporary Art,LosAngeles,简称MoCA)最近再次经历了其成立30多年来的又一次重大考验,因内部人事变动而引发轩然大波,而事件最终聚焦在其备受争议的现任馆长——杰弗里·戴奇(Jeffrey Deitch)身上。戴奇出身于画廊主的特殊身份带来与之前不一样的经营管理理念,也引发了美术馆的改革和争议。MoCA的问题是所有当代美术馆都会面临的,当代艺术的不确定、多样性和争议性,必然为当代美术馆的经营和管理带来分歧。所有的纷争归根结底集中在一点:到底该以怎样的思路来经营一家美术馆?
The Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles, MoCA) recently underwent yet another major test over 30 years after its establishment, causing a great uproar over changes in internal personnel that eventually culminated in its much-debated incumbent Curator - Jeffrey Deitch body (Jeffrey Deitch). Dodge’s unique identity as a gallery owner brought before him the same concept of management and operation as well as the reform and controversy of the museum. The issue of MoCA is confronted by all contemporary art galleries. The uncertainty, diversity and controversy of contemporary art inevitably bring about differences in the management and operation of contemporary art galleries. All disputes in the final analysis focused on the point: in the end what kind of thinking to run a gallery?