老年人红细胞少于3.5×lO~12个/升,血红蛋白低于100克/升时,即可诊为贫血。据报道,北京的老年人贫血患病率为50%,广州的老年人为55%。 老年人患贫血的原因除了缺铁外,还有以下几种:1.造血功能低下。随着年龄的增长,骨髓内的造血组织逐渐为脂肪组织和结缔组织代替。2.疾病影响。各种癌症中晚期、慢性肾脏疾病、风湿病或类风湿性疾病、白血病、多发性骨髓瘤、急性或慢性失血性疾病(如消化性溃疡)等,均可引发贫血。3.胃酸缺乏。许多老年人胃酸分泌减少,或服用抗酸剂,不利于非血红素铁的释
Elderly erythrocytes less than 3.5 × lO ~ 12 / l, hemoglobin less than 100 g / l, you can diagnosed with anemia. It is reported that the prevalence of anemia in Beijing is 50%, and the elderly in Guangzhou is 55%. Elderly people suffering from anemia in addition to iron deficiency, there are the following: 1. Hematopoietic dysfunction. With age, bone marrow hematopoietic tissue gradually replaced by adipose tissue and connective tissue. 2. Disease effects. A variety of cancer in advanced, chronic kidney disease, rheumatism or rheumatoid disease, leukemia, multiple myeloma, acute or chronic hemorrhagic diseases (such as peptic ulcer), etc., can cause anemia. 3. stomach acid deficiency. Many elderly people reduce gastric acid secretion, or taking antacids, is not conducive to the release of non-heme iron