搞清决定和制约国际市场价格变动的基本因素,分析其发展趋势,将有助于增强我们参与国际市场的竞争力。 国际市场价格,是指一定时期内某种商品在国际市场所形成且具有代表性的成交价格。它是由该商品的生产成本、流通费用、税金和利润等因素构成的,比国内市场价格的形成复杂得多。由于国际市场价格是在国际范围内的商品和劳务交换活动中形成的,因而受国际范围内各种经济
To understand the basic factors that determine and restrict the price changes in the international market and analyze its development trends will help increase our competitiveness in the international market. The international market price refers to the transaction price that a certain commodity is formed in the international market in a certain period of time and is representative. It is composed of factors such as production costs, circulation costs, taxes, and profits, which are much more complex than the price formation in the domestic market. Since the international market price is formed in the international exchange of goods and services, it is subject to various international