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随着计划经济向社会主义市场经济过渡,北京的商业网点建设有了一个较大的发展,至1996年末北京市拥有各类商业网点27万个,比1987年末10万个,增长1.7倍.万人拥有网点数达250个,比1987年增加149个.其中,全市新建、改扩建竣工开业1万平方米以上大中型商场61家,竣工面积132.8万平方米,燕莎友谊商城、蓝岛大厦、城乡贸易中心、赛特购物中心等相继建成开业.目前,全市已拥有万平方米以上大型商场65家,这些商场的建成初步构筑了首都迈向国际化大都市市场网络的基本框架.10年以前全市销售额超亿元商场只有2家,至1996年底已达57家,其中实现年税利超千万元的有27家,大型商场年实现商品销售额占全市社会消费品零售总额970亿元的15.9O.10年来,北京市在网点建设上始终坚持了大中小并举、高中低档结合的方针,在抓紧大型商业设施建设的同 With the transition from the planned economy to the socialist market economy, Beijing’s commercial network construction has undergone a major development. By the end of 1996, Beijing had 270,000 commercial outlets of various types, 100,000 more than the end of 1987, an increase of 1.7 times. The number of outlets has reached 250, which is 149 more than in 1987. Among them, 61 new large- and medium-sized shopping malls with a total area of ​​10,000 square meters have been newly built, renovated or expanded, and the total area of ​​completed buildings is 1.328 million square meters. The Lufthansa Friendship Shopping Mall and the Blue Island Building The city, the rural and urban trade center, the Saite shopping center, etc. have been completed and opened. At present, the city has 65 large-scale shopping malls of more than 10,000 square meters, the completion of these shopping malls has basically established the basic framework of the capital to the international metropolis market network. 10 years In the past, there were only 2 stores with sales exceeding 100 million yuan, and by the end of 1996 it had reached 57, of which 27 had annual taxes and profits exceeding 10 million yuan. The annual sales of large-scale shopping malls accounted for 97 billion yuan of total retail sales of consumer goods in the city. In the past 15 years, Beijing Municipality has consistently adhered to the principle of combining large, medium and small enterprises in the construction of outlets, and combining high schools with low schools in the construction of outlets. It is paying close attention to the construction of large-scale commercial facilities.
岩穴里,一个说故事的人。其实只是一张照片,可是我被它震慑住了。那是菲律宾南部的一个小岛,千瓣落花般的群岛中的一个,1971年偶然经人发现上面竟住着石器时代的居民。这蒙昧无知的一小群人却也爱听故事。照片里一群人都坐在洞里,也许是晚上了,大家坐在木桩上,视线交集处就是那个说故事的人。他比别人坐得稍稍高一点,两手半举跟头部平,眼睛里有某种郁勃的热情,旁边的题字是:岩穴里,一个说故事的人。  使我一時僵住
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