【目的】探索利用水培法接种进行香蕉枯萎病苗期抗性鉴定的可行性,为香蕉苗期接种技术的改良及香蕉枯萎病抗性种质材料快速筛选提供科学依据。【方法】利用水培接种的方法对比巴西、农科1号、抗枯5号3个不同抗性香蕉品种的枯萎病发病率及平均病情指数间的差异,并与3个香蕉品种的田间病害评价结果进行比较,同时利用K2平板计数法研究香蕉枯萎病菌4号生理小种(Foc4)在水培营养液中的生长动态。【结果】3个已知抗性的香蕉品种通过水培接种法鉴定的结果与抗感品种本身的抗病性程度相吻合,抗感品种的发病率和病情指数差异明显,在接种后第9 d即能明显区分。香蕉枯萎病菌在水培营养液中浓度基本恒定,保持在105~106 CFU/m L,水培环境能为病原菌侵染寄主提供稳定的营养条件。【结论】水培接种方法能够快速、准确地区分香蕉品种对枯萎病的抗性,在香蕉抗性种质材料的快速鉴定及筛选中推广应用潜力大。
【Objective】 The objective of this study was to explore the feasibility of using hydroponics to inoculate banana wilt resistance in seedling stage and to provide a scientific basis for the improvement of inoculation techniques in banana seedling and the quick screening of banana wilt resistance germplasm. 【Method】 The differences of incidences of Fusarium wilt and average disease index of three different resistant banana cultivars in Brazil, Nongke 1 and Kangkuai 5 were compared by hydroponics inoculation and compared with those of 3 banana cultivars The results were compared with K2 plate count method to study the Foc4 banana pathogen Foc4 growth dynamics in hydroponic nutrient solution. 【Result】 The results of three hydroponically inoculated banana cultivars identified by hydroponic culture coincided with the disease resistance of the resistant varieties themselves. The incidence and the disease index of resistant varieties were significantly different. After inoculation, 9 d is clearly distinguishable. The concentration of Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. In hydroponic nutrient solution was almost constant at 105-106 CFU / m L, and the hydroponic environment provided stable nutrition conditions for the pathogen to infect host. 【Conclusion】 Hydroponic inoculation method can quickly and accurately distinguish banana varieties from Fusarium oxysporum f.sp., and it has great potential for popularization and application in the rapid identification and screening of banana-resistant germplasm materials.