患者女 ,40岁 ,维族 ,农民 ,因腹部包块伴腹痛 1年余来我院就诊。查体 :腹部膨隆 ,全腹可触及一约 2 0cm× 15cm× 15cm大小包块 ,质韧 ,表面光滑 ,活动度差 ,压痛明显 ,腹部叩诊呈实音 ,肠鸣音正常。腹部B超 :剑突下至耻骨联合上方 ,两侧达腋前线可探及前后径约 10cm
Female patient, 40 years old, Uyghur, peasants, abdominal pain due to abdominal mass more than 1 year to our hospital. Examination: bulging abdomen, the whole abdomen can reach a size of about 2 0cm × 15cm × 15cm mass, quality and toughness, smooth surface, poor mobility, tenderness, abdominal percussion was solid tone, bowel sounds normal. Abdominal B-ultrasonography: the xiphoid below the pubic symphysis, both sides of the anterior axillary line can explore and anteroposterior diameter of about 10cm