前言 本文所指的“粗颗粒”是大于65—Ⅰ公式所包括的河床粒径(d_(cp)=0.1~78毫米)范围,将65—Ⅰ所用的颗粒范围暂叫“细颗粒”。这只是为了本文叙述方便。在散体颗粒河床上的桥墩局部冲刷,并不存在可用某一粒径值区分出截然不同的特性,颗粒由小到大对冲刷的影响应是连续的渐变关系。该文主要是在65—Ⅰ式研究的基础上探讨如何扩大应用到粗颗粒的范围,并根据试验资料的定性分析和64年后第二设计院,昆明局测积的天然资料给出定
Preface The “coarse particles” referred to herein are larger than the particle size of the river bed (d cp = 0.1-78 mm) included in the formula 65-I, tentatively calling the particle range used for 65-I “fine particles.” This is just for the convenience of this article. The local erosion of the piers on the granular bed can not be distinguished by any particle size value. The influence of small to large scour should be continuous and gradual change. Based on the study of 65-Ⅰ, this paper explores how to extend the application range of coarse particles. Based on the qualitative analysis of the experimental data and the natural data of the Second Design Institute and Kunming Bureau after 64 years